Pt. 1: A world that doesn't start with why. Assume you know
Pt. 2: An alternative perspective. The golden circle
This is not opinion, this is biology
Clarity, discipline, and consistency
Pt. 3: Leaders meed a following. The emergence of trust
Pt. 4: How to rally those who believe. Start with why, but know how
Know why. Know how. Then what?
Communication is not about speaking, it's about listening
Pt. 5: The biggest challenge is success. When why goes fuzzy
Pt. 6: Discover why. The origins of a why
From the Audiobook CD - Unabridged.
This is not opinion, this is biology
Clarity, discipline, and consistency
Start with why, but know how
Know why. Know how. Then what?
Communication is not about speaking, it's about listening