The growing narcissism in American culture
The many wonders of admiring yourself
The disease of excessive self-admiration and the top five myths about narcissism
Isn't narcissism beneficial, especially in a competitive world? : challenging another myth about narcissism
How did we get here? : origins of the epidemic
Parenting : raising royalty
Superspreaders! : the celebrity and media transmission of narcissism
Look at me on Myspace : Web 2.0 and the quest for attention
I deserve the best at 18% APR : easy credit and the repeal of the reality principle
Hell yeah, I'm hot! : vanity
The spending explosion and the impact on the environment : materialism
Seven billion kinds of special : uniqueness
The quest for infamy and the rise of incivility : antisocial behavior
The chocolate cake trap : relationship troubles
All play and no work : entitlement
God didn't create you to be average : religion and volunteering
The prognosis : how far, and for how long, will narcissism spread?
Treating the epidemic of narcissism.